Search Results for: Line 5

DDT: The 50th Anniversary Everyone Forgot

Photo: Michigan State University ornithologist George Wallace By Dave Dempsey Engulfed in a mammoth chemical crisis involving a family of chemicals known as PFAS, Michigan has something to learn from a 50th anniversary that passed unnoticed last month.  In April 1969, Michigan became the first state to effectively ban DDT. It wasn’t easy or quick.  Michigan… Read more »

Public Comment to Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board

Good evening, and thank you for the opportunity to comment on what is unfortunately a deeply flawed final Line 5 alternatives study. The people of Michigan are ill-served by this study. It cannot serve as a basis for an informed and intelligent decision about the fate of this profound threat to the Great Lakes. Members… pipeline-safety-advisory-board/" title="ReadPublic Comment to Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board”>Read more »

Statement to Pipeline Safety Advisory Board

  The state pipeline safety advisory board met Monday to discuss next steps on Line 5 at the Straits of Mackinac, in the wake of new revelations about shoddy Line 5 maintenance by Enbridge. FLOW’s statement at the meeting said enough is known about the pipeline’s condition and poor maintenance for the state to immediately revoke the… pipeline-safety-advisory-board/" title="ReadStatement to Pipeline Safety Advisory Board”>Read more »

Jim Olson’s statement to Pipeline Safety Advisory Board

Public Meeting of the Michigan Pipeline Advisory Board Petoskey, Michigan, June 12, 2017 Statement of James Olson President and Legal Advisor, FLOW for Love Water It’s time for our state government to stop treating our 1963 Constitution, statutes and common law as nice but meaningless environmental policy statements and start treating them as the duty… pipeline-safety-advisory-board/" title="ReadJim Olson’s statement to Pipeline Safety Advisory Board”>Read more »

FLOW Board Member Calls HB 4205 Contender for Worst Michigan Environmental Bill of 21st Century

The Michigan legislature has introduced what is a sure contender for the worst Michigan environmental bill of the 21st century.  The bill, HB 4205, would prohibit all state agencies from promulgating any administrative rule that is more stringent than an applicable federal standard.  With the federal government actively seeking to dismantle historic environmental protections by… Read more »

Straits Oil Pipelines Not Needed to Meet Michigan, Midwest Demand; Report Challenges Enbridge’s Goal to Build Midwest Version of Rejected ‘Keystone XL’ Pipeline

Decommissioning the twin pipelines in the Mackinac Straits to prevent a catastrophic oil spill would not disrupt Michigan’s or the Midwest’s crude oil and propane supply, contrary to assertions by the pipelines’ owner, according to a Great Lakes law and policy group that released a set of expert reports today. Available capacity and flexibility to… pipelines-not-needed-meet-michigan-midwest-demand-report-challenges-enbridges-goal-build-midwest-version-rejected-keystone-xl-pipeline/" title="ReadStraits Oil Pipelines Not Needed to Meet Michigan, Midwest Demand; Report Challenges Enbridge’s Goal to Build Midwest Version of Rejected ‘Keystone XL’ Pipeline“>Read more »