Elysha Davila
Policy and strategic communications
For nearly two decades, Elysha has led strategic communications for causes ranging from LGBTQ rights to sustainable development. As a senior vice president at Wonder for Good, she works with changemakers to develop messaging and narrative change strategies, taking on some of the most complex communications challenges of today.
These have included: supporting the Colorado Health…

… Foundation to develop evidence-based messaging strategies for equitable COVID-19 vaccine uptake; partnering with the David & Lucile Packard Foundation to create a more inclusive ocean conservation movement; building capacity for hundreds of immigrant rights advocates to win the immigration narrative; leading audience research to promote a nationwide guaranteed income; collaborating with leading climate scientists to advance inclusive dialogue around research into slowing climate change tipping points.
Prior to joining Wonder, Elysha served as head of communications for Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), leading a team across Brazil, India, the UK, and the US. There, she supported marketing and development for the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance – a catalytic investment accelerator that leveraged philanthropic, government, and private capital. In its first five years, this accelerator mobilized over two billion dollars for climate action in emerging economies. She also led public affairs for economic analysis that played a key role in the lead-up to the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as for work that has influenced clean energy and environmental conservation narratives globally.
Elysha has a B.S. in Social Policy and Education from Northwestern University. She lives with her family in northern Michigan where she is active in her local community. Since 2018, she has served on the board of her municipal electric utility, Traverse City Light & Power, leading the utility to take on the most ambitious renewable energy portfolio goal in Michigan – a goal it is well on its way to achieving..
Thomas P. Healy Jr., J.D.
Environmental lawyer
Tom Healy, brings nearly 4 decades of environmental law and policy experience to FLOW’s advisory council. Before his retirement in 2018, Tom served as the Vice President & Deputy General Counsel for the American Medical Association working on issues relating to initiatives to test new collaborative models for improving pre-diabetes and hypertension awareness and control, challenged EHR vendors to improve functionality and data interoperability and resisted scope of practice encroachments by non-physician groups. Prior to his work with the AMA, he held associate and partner positions at law firms based in Chicago, whose practices were concentrated in environmental law, antitrust, commercial disputes and civil litigation.

Jason LaTurner
Nonprofit technical support
Jason has 20 years of experience providing technical assistance, evaluation, and research support to states, districts, schools and non-profit organizations. He provides support and training to clients on how to build logic models, use state longitudinal data systems, develop efficient data collection tools, analyze data, and present results. He particularly enjoys supporting organizations going through change by providing tools and consultation to both staff and leaders. He has a PhD in Sociology, has two dogs, and lives with his wife in Green Bay, Wi.

Curtis Ogden
Senior Associate with Interaction Institute for Social Change
Curtis Ogden is a Senior Associate with Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC), where he has worked since 2005. He has extensive experience supporting multi-interest-holder networks and complex intra-organizational change efforts, with a focus on transforming food, public health, education, and economic development systems at various levels. He writes regularly about networks and social change on IISC’s blog and NetworkWeaver.com. Curtis also serves on the advisory board of Beautiful Ventures, a member of the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE) and The Transformations Community. Curtis lives in the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts with his wife, three daughters, and a flock of laying hens.

Peter Welles
Nonprofit organization consultant, private investor
Peter Welles is a private investor and active nonprofit organization volunteer. His personal mission is to strengthen environmental organization boards, and their ability to secure the resources necessary for their success.
He has 75 “board years” (1 board/1 year), with 15 of those years in leadership positions as President or Chair, with conservation and environmental nonprofits. The organizations range from local groups to national institutions, serving …

… missions in the United States, Argentina, and Canada. In addition, he’s served on the boards of educational organizations, and is currently on a grantmaking foundation’s board.
Mr. Welles is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and participated in Harvard University’s Initiative for Social Enterprise “Governing for Nonprofit Excellence” cohorts in 1999 and 2015.
He lives in Ann Arbor, MI.