Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline is over 71 years old and remains a threat to the waters and people of the Great Lakes region.
On August 20, join FLOW and Oil & Water Don’t Mix for a special live webinar, and learn from a panel of experts and advocates about recent developments in the legal fight to shut down Line 5 and bring an end to Enbridge’s continuous trespass on state and sovereign indigenous lands. We’ll also talk about how coalition partners are working together at the state, local, and federal level, and how you can join the campaign to shut down Line 5, and take audience questions.
Our expert panel includes:
- Riyaz Kanji, founding member and Directing Attorney of Kanji & Katzen – representing the Bad River Band
- Mahyar Sorour, Deputy Legislative Director for Beyond Dirty Fuels at the Sierra Club
- Sean McBrearty, Campaign Coordinator, Oil & Water Don’t Mix and Michigan State Director at Clean Water Action
Hosted by FLOW Executive Director Liz Kirkwood, and moderated by Senior Legal Advisor Skip Pruss.
This online webinar is free, and supported in part by a grant award from the Mackinac Island Community Foundation’s Natural Resources and Preservation Fund. Register online at www.ForLoveOfWater.org/pipeline.

Riyaz Kanji, Founding Member and Directing Attorney, Kanji & Katzen
Riyaz Kanji is a founding member of Kanji & Katzen, PLLC, a firm whose mission is to advance Tribal sovereignty. A graduate of Harvard College and the Yale Law School, Riyaz served as a law clerk to the late Honorable Betty Fletcher of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Justice David Souter of the United States Supreme Court. He is an advisor to and vocal cheerleader for the Tribal Supreme Court Project. Riyaz represents Tribes at all levels of the federal court system, and was part of the team that argued and won the decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma vindicating the continued existence of the Muscogee Creek Reservation.

Sean McBrearty, Campaign Coordinator, Oil & Water Don’t Mix and Michigan State Director at Clean Water Action
Sean McBrearty is the Campaign Coordinator for the Oil & Water Don’t Mix campaign and Legislative and Policy Director at Michigan Clean Water Action, where he works on water infrastructure, oil and gas, and drinking water issues. Mr. McBrearty has served as a leader in the campaign to decommission Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline for the past six years. He learned the importance of protecting drinking water and our environment from a young age, growing up in a community devastated by perennial droughts and poor water and air quality in California’s Central Valley

Mahyar Sorour, Director, Beyond Fossil Fuels Policy, Sierra Club
Mahyar is a Director on the Sierra Club’s Federal Policy Team based in Washington, D.C. She manages the development and implementation of legislative and administrative advocacy efforts with the Sierra Club’s Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign. She has a background in environmental justice, policy, and grassroots organizing; working on issues related to air and water quality; energy policy; and legislative and advocacy training.