FLOW, Great Lakes Business Network, and Sierra Club File Joint Amici Brief in Nessel v. Enbridge Lawsuit, Dismantling Enbridge’s Allegations and Defending State Sovereignty
Carrie La Seur, FLOW Legal Director
(231) 944-1568
Traverse City, Mich. – On December 2, 2024, For Love of Water (FLOW), Great Lakes Business Network (GLBN), and Sierra Club filed an amici curiae brief opposing Enbridge’s motion for summary disposition in the Line 5 lawsuit Nessel v. Enbridge. The three groups, representing tens of thousands of Michigan residents and hundreds of Michigan businesses, weighed in as “friends of the court”, arguing that Michigan has both the power and the duty to protect publicly held bottomlands in the Straits of Mackinac from the urgent threat of a pipeline breach.
The amici brief makes the case that the 1977 Transit Pipelines Treaty between the US and Canada explicitly reserves for the states the authority to regulate cross-border pipelines in the area of environmental protection. AG Nessel’s complaint targets the failing underwater section of Line 5, wholly within Michigan’s sovereign territory. Pointing out how Enbridge has misread the treaty, lawyers for FLOW, GLBN, and Sierra Club outlined how the U.S. Supreme Court has long held that the Constitution protects traditional states’ rights and responsibilities – including the responsibility to protect public trust resources like the Great Lakes.
The Line 5 controversy indeed exposes a threat to the prudent conduct of our nation’s foreign policy – and that threat is Enbridge. Hiding behind the cloak of the foreign affairs doctrine, Enbridge seeks a judicial stamp of approval for a new U.S. foreign policy – one that would privilege a foreign oil company’s uninterruptible flow of hydrocarbons over the sovereign rights and responsibilities of the states.
FLOW Legal Director Carrie La Seur said, “With this week’s filing, our coalition again stands with AG Nessel to defend Michigan’s priceless natural heritage from an urgent threat.”
Andy Buchsbaum, the Great Lakes Business Network’s attorney stated, “Enbridge continues to try to stop Michigan’s top law enforcement officer from preventing a massive oil spill in the Great Lakes that would devastate millions of people and thousands of businesses. That’s shocking, and we can’t let it happen. Great Lakes businesses are standing up for the Great Lakes in court, before Congress and wherever else we need to be.”
FLOW, GLBN, and Sierra Club separately briefed the court in 2019 and 2021, arguing for Michigan’s sovereignty and public trust rights, and detailing irreparable harm that would befall the region’s economic security and quality of life if the judicial relief sought by AG Nessel – the revocation of the Line 5 easement and the shut down of Line 5 – is not granted before Line 5 ruptures.
“We appreciate Attorney General Nessel continuing to fight for protecting our Great Lakes and the people of Michigan from a pending oil spill disaster,” said Elayne Coleman, Sierra Club – Michigan Chapter Director. “Enbridge has thrown millions of dollars into their efforts to undermine Michigan’s right to oversee our public trust. We’re not going to bend to a Canadian oil giant, and we’re glad Attorney General Nessel isn’t backing down, either.”
[ Download Amici Brief (PDF) ]###
For Love of Water (FLOW) is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Traverse City, Michigan. Our mission is to ensure the waters of the Great Lakes Basin are healthy, public, and protected for all. With a staff of legal and policy experts, writers, and community builders, FLOW is a trusted resource for Great Lakes advocates. We help communities, businesses, agencies, and legislators make informed policy decisions and protect public trust rights to water. Learn more at www.forloveofwater.org
The Great Lakes Business Network is a coalition of businesses dedicated to preserving the integrity and vitality of the Great Lakes, fostering sustainable business practices, and advocating for policies that protect the environment and the economy of the Great Lakes region. It is co-managed by National Wildlife Federation and Groundwork for Resilient Communities. Learn more at glbusinessnetwork.com
Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person’s right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.