Search Results for: Line 5

Public Trust Education

Protecting the Great Lakes through Education and Public Policy At the heart of our mission, FLOW is dedicated to educating and empowering citizens and leaders to know and use their rights under the public trust doctrine — with the government as trustee of our shared resources and citizens as beneficiaries — to solve systemic threats… Read more »

Groundwater: The Sixth Great Lake

Protecting the Vital Resource Beneath Michigan’s Ground Watershed art by Glenn Wolff. 2023 Report—Making Polluters Pay: How to Fix State Law and Policy to Protect Groundwater and Michigan Taxpayers On October 24, 2023, FLOW published Making Polluters Pay: How to Fix State Law and Policy to Protect Groundwater and Michigan Taxpayers (PDF) to provide the… Read more »

Thank You to Our Donors

THANK YOU! Year after year, we are overwhelmed by the commitment and generosity of our donors. We are deeply grateful to the individuals and families whose gifts have supported our mission to protect the Great Lakes for current and future generations to enjoy. We pledge to make a lasting difference with your investment in FLOW. (Click… Read more »

Standing Up for the Great Lakes

Current Board Gary Appel Tom Baird Mike Dettmer Phil Ellis Katie Horvath Renee Huckle Mittelstaedt Rick Kane Emma Lui Sarah Naperala Bob Otwell Skip Pruss Royce Ragland Keith Schneider Kate Thornhill Mike Vickery Emily Wurth Former Board Ross Biederman Lew Coulter Ted Curran Eric Olson Rich Vanderveen Current Staff Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director Dave Dempsey,… Read more »

Extolling the Power of the Public Trust

FLOW applies tools drawn from science, art, and public trust law to protect the Great Lakes and their tributaries, and the public’s right to use these wondrous waters.   We educate and empower citizens and communities to wield the power of the public trust doctrine to defend the public ownership of water against privatization schemes.   We… Read more »

Water, Food, Energy, Climate Change Nexus

Prioritizing Great Lakes Protection in Key Discussions about Our Shared FutureThe Great Lakes hold one-fifth of the earth’s fresh surface water. More than 35 million people rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water, jobs, and a way of life. Yet all too often protecting our water is not part of the equation when leaders… Read more »

Aquaculture in the Great Lakes

Challenging Harmful “Net-pen” and Antiquated “Flow-through” Aquaculture Operations in the Great Lakes Commercial aquaculture or fish farming takes various forms in tanks, ponds, rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Current legislative proposals are now on the table to use the open waters of the Great Lakes on the U.S. side for commercial net-pen aquaculture and to expand… Read more »

Your Gift

  Your Gift HAS A Lasting Impact Donate Today    Click here to give online    FLOW staff partnering in Lansing to save the Great Lakes It takes tremendous resources to do the work needed to save and protect the fresh bodies of water surrounding our beautiful state, and to safeguard the rights of Michigan citizens as… Read more »

An abridged and ongoing list: Things Enbridge Takes Credit For

Do you enjoy celebrating the holidays with your friends and family? How about checking items off your bucket list, or watching the Super Bowl? Are cookies, chips, and pizza some of your guilty pleasures? Believe it or not, you can thank your friendly neighborhood pipeline company for all of these things and more! (Unless your… Read more »