In honor of Earth Day 2018, FLOW volunteer Deyar Jamil gave a presentation on Reducing, Reusing and Recycling to the 4th and 5th graders at Immaculate Conception Elementary School. Deyar asked students to think about what changes they might be able to make in their own lives to help protect the environment. A few days later, 4th grader Lucy Noggle wrote her principal a heartfelt letter asking for recycling bins for each classroom because she was concerned about wasting what gifts are given from God. Principal Maureen DeYoung was so impressed by Lucy’s passion and initiative that she involved American Waste. Owner Mike Ascione came to Immaculate Conception and donated 10 bins to be placed in each classroom. Lucy was inspired to take individual action, which has brought about something even bigger for the entire school. She is motivated to be a voice for clean water and environmental conservation for life! We are so happy that our work at FLOW is shaping young minds to care about the earth!