Blog Posts

Blog posts by FLOW team and guest writers

State of the Great Lakes Report: Fine programs, what results?

On the 40th anniversary of Michigan state government’s Office of the Great Lakes, its new State of the Great Lakes report provides an important narrative about the many outstanding efforts to protect and restore these world-class waters.  But, as has been true with the previous 39 reports, it makes little effort to gauge the health… Read more »

‘Ride Mapper’ tool reveals data on over 24K contaminated sites, tanks

An on-line tool provided by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) enables Michiganders to identify and map sites of environmental contamination in their neighborhoods or across the state. Called the Ride Mapper (an acronym for Remediation Information Data Exchange), the interactive tool displays as of January 15 of this year a… Read more »

Can wildlife create a sustainable world in the context of climate change?

Nancy Langston is an interdisciplinary ecological historian and visual artist whose work fuses storytelling, visual art, and environmental history to grapple with the unsettling contradictions of climate change in the boreal north. She is Distinguished Professor Emerita at Michigan Technological University, and she is working on her 6th book, Reindeer on the Run (Yale University… Read more »

EPA bans toxic TCE, which has plagued Michigan’s groundwater

The Environmental Protection Agency announced last week a national ban on trichloroethylene (TCE), a groundwater and soil contaminant confirmed at over 300 sites in Michigan. The move will save Michigan taxpayers millions of dollars in future cleanup costs and protect public health. “EPA’s action is critical to public health and the environment,” said FLOW executive… Read more »

The Safe Drinking Water Act turns 50

The law that protects the quality of America’s more than 170,000 public drinking water supplies is 50 years old as of Monday, December 16. While the Safe Drinking Water Act’s results have been mixed, its purpose and impact have become ever more relevant over the past five decades. The potential impact of unsafe drinking water… Read more »