Blog Posts

Blog posts by FLOW team and guest writers

National Environmental Education Awareness Week

By Kaitlyn Bunting Kaitlyn is a former communications specialist with FLOW.  She is also an enthusiastic educator. She has built a deep connection to the land and waters of northern Michigan through extensive time outdoors here. Find her way down a dirt road, pb&j in hand, trailing her energetic dog Oshie. I am drawn to… Read more »

Earth Day: The Long View

By Dave Dempsey On the first Earth Day in 1970, I was 13 years old and barely aware of the event. But only when I look back at 1970 later in life, as an amateur environmental historian, do I fully appreciate what happened that year. It wasn’t just April 22—the first celebration of Earth Day—it… Read more »

Make It Right Michigan: Restore Sadony Bayou

The Chemours Environmental Impact Committee (CEIC, pronounced “seek”) of White River Township, in West Michigan, has been advocating for the long-overdue cleanup of the sources of groundwater and soil contamination on the DuPont property, now owned by Chemours. This contaminated property connects with both White Lake and Lake Michigan.  FLOW supports the Committee’s position that… Read more »

Federal Rescue Funds Support Michigan Drinking Water, Wastewater Projects

But much more funding is needed. American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding has now supported $140,471,648 in grants to 24 Michigan communities to address drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs. Congress approved this funding in 2021 to stimulate the economy when it was recovering from the pandemic. The funds are part of $1.9 billion in one-time… Read more »

First Day of Spring 2023

On this first day of spring, FLOW is celebrating the water cycle in all of its glorious forms. Let It FLOW! #Spring2023 (Design by Ryan Greaves)

PFAS: Every Fish Everywhere All at Once

Map: In a newly released study, every fish tested in the Huron River, which is the main drinking water source for the city of Ann Arbor, contained toxic PFAS chemicals. Credit: All photos and graphics courtesy of the Ecology Center, which will host a webinar on March 16 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the science… Read more »

Combating CAFO Pollution

By Zach Welcker, FLOW Legal Director On February 16, 2023, FLOW (For Love Of Water) and 10 other environmental groups filed an amicus brief asking the Michigan Supreme Court to strike down an appellate court ruling that prevents the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (“EGLE”) from fulfilling its duty to protect Michigan’s… Read more »

Keeping Water Public and Protected for All in the Great Lakes State

Photo of children playing at Lake Michigan by Chelsea Bay Dennis. Editor’s note: Sign up today for FLOW’s twice-monthly e-newsletter for updates on the advancement of these legislative recommendations and take action opportunities in support of keeping water public and protected. Michigan’s 2023-2024 legislative session in Lansing is a chance to apply long-overdue solutions to… Read more »