“The US Army Corps of Engineers decision to exclude the cumulative impacts of the fossil fuels Line 5 will transport, climate concerns, and, remarkably, engineering concerns raised by experts as to the integrity of the tunnel, flies in the face of the Corps’ purpose and mission, the Biden Administration’s goals and policy, and public concern for the protection of Great Lakes waters.” – Liz Kirkwood, FLOW Executive Director
The impacts of continued use and transport of fossil fuels and heavy crude oil is disgusting in the name of climate change and all the effects that are now happening in the US and the world in general. Taking a chance with one of the world’s largest clean waters systems, namely the Great Lakes, is a disgrace to those involved that are letting it happen. Stop this nonsense now and start preparing for the future. Our world is going down, down down and we are responsible. We can hardly afford the weather catastrophes now and with continued use of the fossil fuels that are being allowed to run through pipeline 5 in the Straits of Mackinac, we are doomed in this lifetime.