We have selected published materials what we think represent leading or representative view points on the global water crisis, global water issues, Great Lakes issues, water commons, international human right to water, public trust, privatization, public trust, common law water rights, NAFTA and international trade law, the Great Lakes Compact, and other issues related to water.
- Annin, Peter The Great Lakes Water Wars (2006)
- Barlow, Maude and Tony Clarke Blue Gold (New Press 2004)
- Barlow, Maude Blue Covenant (New Press, 2009)
- Black, Maggie and Janet King The Atlas of Water: Mapping the World’s Most Critical Resource, 2d ed. (UC Press, 2009)
- Dempsey, Dave Great Lakes for Sale (U Mich Press 2004)
- Dempsey, Dave On the Brink: Great Lakes in the 21st Century ( U Mich Press, 2004)
- Dennis, Jerry The Living Great Lakes: Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas (St. Martin’s, 2003)
- Gleick, Peter Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession With Bottled Water (Island Press 2010)
- Glennon, Robert Unquenchable Thirst (Island Press, 2008)
- Glennon, Robert Water Follies (Island Press, 2003)
- Johnson, Jon R. The North American Free Trade Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide (Canada Law Book, 1994)
- Postel, Sandra Pillar of Sand (1999)
- Sax, Joe Defending the Environment (1968)
- Slade, David The Public Trust Doctrine in Motion (PTFIM, LLC 2008)
- Snitow, Allan, Deborah Kaufman, and Michael Fox Thirst (Jossey-Bass, 2007)
- Blue Gold: World Water Wars Directed by Bozzo, with Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke, Peter Gleick, Jim Olson, Terry Swier
- FLOW: For the Love of Water Directed by Irena Salena, Produced by Steven Starr and Steve Nemeth, with Tony Clarke, Maude Barlow, Wenonah Hauter, Peter Gleick, Vandana Shiva
- Gasland Directed by Josh Fox
- Tapped Directed by Stephanie Soeching and Jason Lindsey
- Thirst Directed and produced by Allan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman
- Waterlife Directed by Kevin McMahon
- More FLOW Multimedia
Articles and Periodicals:
- Symposium: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Compact and Agreement: International law and Policy, 2006 Mich St L Rev 1085 (2007)
- Olson, James, Navigating the Great Lakes Compact: Water, Public Trust, and International Trade Agreements, 2006 Mich St L Rev 1103 (2007)
- Olson, James, The Public Trust Doctrine: Procedural and Substantive Limitations on the Government Reallocation of Natural Resources in Michigan, 1975 Det Col L Rev 161 (1975)
- Sax, Joe, The Public Trust Doctrine in Natural Resources Law: Effective Judicial Intervention, 68 Mich L Rev 471 (1970)
- Melissa Scanlan, Realizing the Promise of the Great Lakes Compact: A Policy Analysis for state Implementation, 8 Vt J Envtl L 473 (2006)
- Michael Specter, The Last Drop: Confronting the Possibility of a Global Catastrophe, New Yorker, Oct. 23, 2006
- Schwartz, Peter and Doug Randall, An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security (Oct. 2003)