Raise your hand for the Great Lakes!

Summer is here, and for those of us in the Great Lakes region—especially in Michigan, where we’re never more than six miles from a body of water—it’s high-five season for water-lovers. If you love Great Lakes water, raise your hand.

Right now, a generous donor is matching all gifts to FLOW up to $15,000!

That means everyone can double their donation to help FLOW continue to fight for Great Lakes water. All in.

If your love for the Great Lakes has you concerned about grave threats to water in the Basin—threats like contamination, diversion, commodification, and decreased access—raise your hand.

We need you to turn your raised hand into raised dollars because this summer, FLOW is building on a groundswell of recent actions that ensure that the waters of the Great Lakes Basin are healthy, public, and protected for all. In the past six months: 

  • FLOW released A Watershed Moment: The Great Lakes Compact After 15 Years, our report that offers an overview of this historic international agreement, an analysis of its achievements and gaps, and recommendations to strengthen its protections against diversions. 

  • FLOW joined a Michigan Supreme Court brief to fight back against efforts to control widespread water and soil pollution from CAFOs, or Confined Animal Feeding Operations.  

  • FLOW filed our brief before the Michigan Court of Appeals strongly opposing the Michigan Public Service Commission’s (MPSC) approval of a risky tunnel project that would extend the lifespan of Line 5 and ignore smart existing alternatives around The Great Lakes.

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