I support FLOW's work to support the Great Lakes!
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Use your 401K
Did you know you can protect water with a gift from your retirement assets?
Make a gift of securities
As stock prices increase, so do the taxes you owe on the long-term capital gain at the point of sale.
Leave a gift in your will
“Planned giving” refers to future charitable gifts that require some planning now, before they are made.
Make a gift in memory
Tribute and memorial gifts honor the people and events of your life. Make one today!
Donating to FLOW supports the protection of clean, fresh water through advocacy, legal action, and community engagement. Your contribution helps safeguard the Great Lakes and other vital water systems, ensuring access to clean water for future generations and protecting ecosystems, economies, and public health.
You can support FLOW by making current or future gifts.
FLOW is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; FLOW’s federal tax ID (EIN) is 45-4370935.
Current gifts include donations of cash, securities, gifts-in-kind, or similar assets. Current gifts also can be made in the form of a pledge commitment payable over a three- to five-year period.
Future gifts are typically made in conjunction with your estate plan, such as including FLOW in your will or establishing a trust or similar tax-advantaged life-income gift.