A proposal to turn artesian groundwater that feeds Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin into a product for sale continues to run head-on into the law, the community, a tribe, and a citizens group, Lake Superior Not for Sale (LSNFS). The most recent defeat for Kristle KLR came in June, when the Wisconsin Court of Appeals… Read more »
Support the Great Lakes! By: Lynn FrazeFLOW supporter Growing up I never thought of water as a controversial issue. My grandparents (born in the 1890s) built a log cabin on Pickerel Lake in Northern Michigan a few years before I was born. My fondest memories were summers spent Up North swimming, fishing and exploring the… Read more »
CAFOs and small, family farms represent two distinct approaches to agriculture. CAFOs are large-scale facilities designed for maximum efficiency in meat, dairy, or egg production. Animals in CAFOs often live in high densities, with limited space for movement and restricted access to natural environments. They are typically fed specialized diets aimed at maximizing growth or… Read more »
Looking for an update on the Fremont Digester? Read the Fremont Digester Comments What is a CAFO? In plain English, a CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, sometimes called a factory “farm”) is an industrial facility where livestock are kept inside a structure and fed, rather than pastured. They can house thousands – even tens of… Read more »
Exploring these webinars is a great way to dive into a range of interesting and important topics. Whether you’re curious about how we manage groundwater resources, eager to hear about new book releases, interested in knowing more about shutting down Line 5, or excited to learn about regenerative agriculture practices, each webinar offers a chance… Read more »
Now that major party candidates for Vice President are designated, it’s an appropriate time to check their records on two environmental concerns vital to Michigan and the Great Lakes region. Climate Change Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, as Governor of Minnesota, has called for strong federal action to abate and prepare for the effects… Read more »
“I am used to farm smells. I am a farmer myself. Manure spread, and even the turkey CAFO a mile away, were unpleasant but familiar smells that our community has lived with. The digestate was nothing like these. I could only liken it to having my head in a full port-a-potty. I am over a… Read more »
It’s hard to believe, but Michigan — the state at the heart of the Great Lakes and home to 20% of the world’s fresh surface water — is the only state in the nation without a statewide septic code. That means that Michigan has no minimum standards for the construction, inspection, repair, or even pumping of septic systems. Michigan has 1.3… Read more »
With the Michigan Legislature’s summer break almost over, and less than 100 days until the election, the focus of legislators on both sides of the aisle will shift to their hometown districts. The outcome of the November polls – where Democrats will strive to maintain their majority in the House and Senate, and Republicans will… Read more »
What is a septic system? A septic system is an underground wastewater treatment system for homes that are not connected to a city sewer system. When regularly pumped and maintained, a septic system efficiently manages the wastewater produced in a house. When you flush a toilet, take a shower, or do dishes, all that dirty… Read more »