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Public Trust Doctrine Policy Framework Encouraged in Final LEEP Report

Click here to view and download the full press release as a PDF February 27, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director or 231-944-1568 Public Trust Doctrine Policy Framework Encouraged in Final LEEP Report FLOW Commends International Joint Commission as “Forward-Thinking” TRAVERSE CITY, MI – FLOW lauds the International Joint Commission (IJC)… Read more »

Jim Olson Pens Seminal Article on Public Trust in the Great Lakes

Click here to view and download the full press release as a PDF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Contact: Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director or 231-944-1568 FLOW Founder Pens Seminal Article on Public Trust in the Great Lakes “All Aboard” in Vermont Journal of Environmental Law TRAVERSE CITY, MI – FLOW Founder and veteran water attorney… Read more »

A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Partners at FLOW

We have so many partnerships to be grateful for at FLOW, and in honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re taking time to say thanks, and invite others to join us. Just this year, several organizations have reached out to us because of our mission to protect the Great Lakes as a commons and offered their support… Read more »

FLOW Selected as Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) Site of the Month

Click here to view the full press release as a PDF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Allison Voglesong, Communication Designer or 213-944-1568 FLOW Selected as GLIN Site of the Month February 2014 to Feature FLOW TRAVERSE CITY- The Great Lakes Commission-based Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) has named FLOW their Site of the Month for… Read more »

FLOW Funder Park Foundation Among Growing Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement

The New York Times recently featured one of FLOW’s major funders, the Park Foundation, in an article about a group of philanthropic foundations that are collaborating to move their financial investments away from fossil fuels (divestment) in an effort to align their money with their missions to curb climate change. Among the groups involved in… Read more »

Pennsylvania Court Precedent on Fracking and How It Relates to Protecting Michigan’s Commons: PA State Supreme Court rules municipalities can limit what gas drillers can do

From the desk of FLOW founder Jim Olson: thoughts on the recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling on how municipalities can limit gas drilling in their community (you can also read the full text of the article at the bottom of this post). In a show of judicial analysis and sympathy toward the importance of… Read more »

FLOW Staff to Issue Public Statement at Army Corps of Engineers Public Comment Forums on the Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin Study

Click here to view and download the full press release PDF For immediate release Contact: Allison Voglesong, Communication Designer 231 944-1568 or FLOW Staff to Issue Public Statement at Army Corps of Engineers Public Comment Forums on the Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin Study TRAVERSE CITY – The United States Army Corps of Engineers… Read more »

Wisconsin Pauses Great Lakes Tar Sands

Congratulations to Alliance for the Great Lakes, citizens and organizations in Wisconsin and Michigan, and Council of Canadians for leading the way to deny Elkhorn’s request to improve a barge dock in Superior, Wisconsin to transport dirty tar sands oil over the Great Lakes.  With citizen vigilance, persistence, and growing awareness that these Great Lakes… Read more »

Fracking: It’s All About the Water

Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for oil and gas in Michigan is the subject of scrutiny in the recent Integrated Assessment report series from the University of Michigan’s Graham Sustainability Institute.  The report confirms that the future development of tight shale formations appears to be massive and intensive in size and scope and will require unprecedented quantities… Read more »

#FAIL – It’s a Good Thing

As FLOW’s Communications Designer, I have been working in our Traverse City office since January, creating print and web content that gets the word out about FLOW’s policy programs that help protect the integrity of Great Lakes water with the vision of the commons. I have been given the great opportunity to work with our… Read more »