Search Results for: Line 5

Why Collaborate

  Collaboration So what is collaboration, what about it makes it so great? Enhances Understanding As individuals we can only apprehend a portion of the problem, by pooling perceptions greater understanding of the context can be achieved. Effective Decision Making Leads to better decisions that are more likely to be implemented Broader Support for Needed… Read more »

PFAS: An Environmental and Public Health Crisis that Needs Answers and Action

This is the second installment in a series of essays by FLOW board member Rick Kane on the vital issues of risk management and the responsibilities of public officials under the public trust doctrine. Rick is the former Director of Security, Environment, Transportation Safety and Emergency Services for Rhodia, North America. He is certified in… Read more »

FLOW Partner Spotlight: Redbudsuds Giving 1% of Sales to the Planet

Meet Aubrey Miller, outdoor enthusiast, passionate advocate for our wild places, and founder and co-owner of Redbudsuds, a female-owned company that created a four-in-one shower bar for the eco-minded adventurer. Redbudsuds is part of Patagonia’s 1% for the Planet and gives 1% of its total annual sales to several organizations, including FLOW! In this partner spotlight,… Read more »

Collaboration at Work

Collaboration at Work “Large-scale social change comes from better cross sector coordination rather than from isolated intervention of individual organizations.” – Julia Wondellock Why Collaboration Without it no win-win solutions can be made Purposeful action by any one stakeholder alone profoundly influences the ability of the others to achieve their goals It leads to better… Read more »

Friday Favorite: Houdek Dunes Natural Area

Reading Dave Dempsey’s recent post about the nearby wonder and beauty reminded me to take advantage of the wonderful hiking trails so close to where I live, to explore the corners of the scenic Leelanau Peninsula. There are quite a few hidden gems that don’t get the credit they deserve. So this past weekend, I went out… Read more »

FLOW Challenges Proposed Great Lakes Water Diversion for Foxconn in Wisconsin

This week, FLOW President and Legal Advisor Jim Olson filed an amicus brief in a challenge to a State of Wisconsin permit authorizing a diversion of 7 million gallons a day (mgd) of Lake Michigan water to support the Foxconn Corporation’s proposed manufacturing facility. As discussed below, the proposed diversion raises troubling legal questions and… Read more »

Valuing Water Resources in Michigan

Budgets are policy. Just as much as new laws and rules. So when Governor Whitmer announced a $120 million clean water initiative Tuesday, it did a lot to validate her rhetoric about being a governor who values our water resources. It’s a big change for Michigan. Some of the $120 million in new general fund money will… Read more »


There are an estimated 2.8 million trillion gallons of groundwater, 30.1 percent of the world’s freshwater.  An estimated 79.6 billion gallons of groundwater is withdrawn daily, or 26 percent of the water withdrawn in the U.S. From 2010 to 2015, groundwater use in the United States increased by 8.3% while surface water use declined by… Read more »

Walk On!

photo by Beth Price The Town of Long Beach, Indiana, runs along a wide stretch of sandy Lake Michigan beach just below the southwest corner of Michigan. Residences, and a series of public access corridors, extend to the shore from the town’s Lake Shore Drive. More homes extend inland along winding streets, hills, and vistas, all… Read more »

Down to the Wire in the Lame Duck: Lansing Attacks Threaten our Waters and Values

Photo credit: Charles Brackett Michigan’s waters and environmental values are under attack. In the next two weeks, Michigan citizens have an opportunity to defend them from a lame duck Legislature that is defying the clear mandate of the State Constitution and the preferences of strong majorities of Michigan voters. Michiganders are not clamoring to leave… Read more »