Search Results for: Line 5

Water Values

Every decision that is made regarding water reflects the values that the decision-makers hold. Recognizing and making these water values explicit could provide a new framework for decision-making in the management of water resources. During discussions in the Grand Traverse Bay watershed, some of the values and goals identified by stakeholders included: Sustainable Water Improving… Read more »

The Threat of Urban Sprawl

The goal of Blue Communities is to collaborate to solve future water-related problems. Urban sprawl increases impervious surface and runoff, which threatens water resources.

Public Trust

FLOW is currently working on drafting a blue communities resolution for the City of Traverse City with the idea that other local governments in the Grand Traverse Bay Watershed will adopt similar resolutions, which in turn will stimulate more collaborative efforts together. The key points of this resolution are to recognize that water is a… Read more »

Local Examples

Land Conservation Fish Restoration Meeting Aspect Competitors United Around A Common Goal Collaborative projects are not new to this area, such as the Kids Creek and Regional Conservation Partnership Program. Through interviews and analysis, we hoped to provide local evidence of collaboration theories and establish recommendations for improvement.

Know Your Water System

Blue Communities has its beginnings in the Grand Traverse Bay watershed. However, as a coastal community, there is not just one source of water you have to be concerned about, there are multiple. Here in Traverse City, there are two sources in particular that need our upmost attention, the watershed and the bay. The flow… Read more »

Green Infrastructure

We need to use a resilient approach to solve the water problems caused by urbanization. This resilient approach is more commonly referred to as Green Infrastructure.

Water For All

Water for all means that water is clean, sufficient in supply, and accessible to all economically, socially, and environmentally. Blue Communities aims to empower communities to protect these qualities of water for current and future generations. At the foundation of this effort are some basic principles for water management: valuing water for the diverse benefits… Read more »

Collective Impact

With collective impact, we are all in the same boat, rowing in the same direction, thus reaching our goals faster.

What Everyone Should Know About the Great Lakes

Freshwater Facts Only freshwater will sustain human life. About 97% of the water on earth is salt water. Of the remaining fraction of approximately 3% that is freshwater, over 98% is locked in ice caps, glaciers and groundwater. Of the remaining fraction of about 1.2% of all freshwater, about .25% is found at the surface… Read more »

Sign of the Times: Toledo Voters Pass Bill of Rights for Lake Erie

Above: A Summer day on western Lake Eire A lake, river, creek, parkland, wilderness, or canopy of redwoods or old sugar maples can’t walk to the courthouse to file lawsuits to protect their right to be free from harm, nor can they walk into a precinct and vote. Come to think of it, neither can… Read more »