On October 22, 2024, FLOW (For Love of Water) and Great Lakes Business Network (GLBN) filed a brief calling on the U.S. Court of Appeals to stop a pipeline company from stripping away Michigan’s power to protect the Great Lakes. Enbridge Energy, which owns the dual Line 5 pipelines, launched the 2020 federal lawsuit Enbridge… line5/" title="ReadEnbridge Line 5 Pipeline in the Great Lakes”>Read more »
Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge standing guard over the Straits of Mackinac, where Enbridge’s decaying Line 5 oil pipelines snake across the bottom and threaten the region’s shipping-based economy and jobs. Photo: Nancy May Line 5 Economic Report – Shipping Impacts A Line 5 oil spill in the Straits of Mackinac could trigger a domino effect of… line-5-economic-report-shipping-impacts/" title="ReadGridlock on the Great Lakes: ‘Line 5’ Oil Spill Threatens a $45 Billion Blow to Shipping, Steel Production, and Jobs”>Read more »
Working to Prevent a Catastrophic Oil Spill in the Straits of MackinacThe Great Lakes are the pride of the Midwest and belong to the public. Most residents and visitors, however, are unaware that every day nearly 23 million gallons of oil and petroleum products flow through two rusty old pipelines piercing the heart of the… line-5-pipelines-in-the-straits-of-mackinac/" title="ReadLine 5 Pipelines and Extreme Energy”>Read more »
To fully understand the fossil fuel industry’s playbook, let’s start with some basic definitions. You might call them the 3 Ds: Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak. Denial is the refusal to believe or accept something as the truth. Disinformation is false information that is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a… line-5/" title="ReadDenial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak: Exposing Enbridge’s Playbook on Line 5“>Read more »
“Safety. It’s a core value that makes us Enbridge. It’s our way of life.” Enbridge, Our Commitment Universally considered among the most vulnerable, at-risk pipelines in the world, the 4-mile segment of Line 5 crossing the Straits of Mackinac, where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron meet, is quite literally, an accident waiting to happen…. line-5-rupture-mackinac-straits/" title="ReadWhat Enbridge Really Knows About the Risk of a Line 5 Rupture in the Straits of Mackinac”>Read more »
Download FLOW Appellate Brief (PDF) Traverse City, Mich.— On April 11, 2024, FLOW filed a brief before the Michigan Court of Appeals aimed at reversing the Michigan Public Services Commission’s (MPSC) approval of the proposed Line 5 tunnel project. Enbridge’s proposed tunnel received a green light from the MPSC on December 1, 2023. FLOW is… line-5-tunnel/" title="ReadFLOW Appeals MPSC Decision Approving the Line 5 Tunnel”>Read more »
Traverse City, Mich.— On February 7, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago heard oral arguments in the Line 5 case involving northern Wisconsin’s Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Enbridge, Inc., a Canadian multinational pipeline and energy company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The panel of Appellate… line-5-case/" title="ReadFederal Court Hears Arguments from Bad River Band and Enbridge in Appeal of Line 5 Pipeline Shutdown Order”>Read more »
Media Release: January 3, 2024 Download printer-friendly PDF Traverse City, Mich.— For Love of Water (FLOW), a Great Lakes water law and policy center, filed an appeal on December 22, 2023 with the Michigan Court of Appeals to overturn the Michigan Public Service Commission’s December 1 decision to approve the application from Canadian oil company… line-5-permit/" title="ReadFLOW Appeals MPSC Permit to Site Replacement Line 5 Pipeline in Proposed Great Lakes Tunnel”>Read more »
Download as PDF PLG Consulting’s 111-page October 2023 report, Likely Market Responses to a Potential Shutdown of LINE 5, provides an overview of potential impacts and market responses in the event of a planned and orderly shutdown of Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline. Line 5 is part of Enbridge’s Lakehead System, transporting crude oil and natural… Line 5 is shut down? A report on energy market impacts”>Read more »
Love it or hate it, social media can be a powerful tool to amplify the Line 5 pipeline issue. When you share, like, or comment on posts about Line 5, it signals to the algorithms that the content is important, and should be shown to more people. Here are some accounts we recommend following and… line-5-social-media/" title="ReadShare Line 5 Content on Social Media”>Read more »