Search Results for: Line 5
Straight Talk about Line 5 Through the Straits
Contact Your State Lawmaker Today to Save the Mackinac Bridge from Enbridge Line 5
The rush continues in Michigan’s lame-duck legislature to bind the future of the Mackinac Bridge to notorious oil-spiller Enbridge and its proposed private oil tunnel. A Republican-led Senate committee at an 8:15 a.m. hearing today (Wednesday, November 28) voted 3-2 along party lines to approve Senate Bill 1197 and advance it to the full Senate… line-5/" title="ReadContact Your State Lawmaker Today to Save the Mackinac Bridge from Enbridge Line 5“>Read more »
Line 5 – a Long-Term Asset? Not a Chance in this Century
By Liz Kirkwood and Skip Pruss Substitute Bill SB 1197 continues to be riddled with faulty assumptions and logic that favor and bend towards Enbridge’s private corporate shareholder interests. Most glaring of all is the audacious and misguided underlying assertion that we humans will continue to rely on a fossil fuel based economy over the… line-5-a-long-term-asset-not-a-chance-in-this-century/" title="ReadLine 5 – a Long-Term Asset? Not a Chance in this Century”>Read more »

State should end discussion, take action on Line 5
When the police pulls a resident over for going 100 mph in a 55-mph zone, they don’t cluck their tongues — they click their ticket books. But when Michigan’s state government catches Enbridge Energy putting the Great Lakes at risk by failing again to disclose dangerous conditions on its Line 5 oil pipelines in the… line-5/" title="ReadState should end discussion, take action on Line 5“>Read more »

MPSC: Proposed ‘Line 5’ Oil Tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac Must Undergo Full and Vigorous Public Review
Photo above: MPSC Chairman Sally A. Talberg, presiding over the Commission hearing today on Enbridge’s proposed oil pipeline tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac. The following statement can be attributed to Liz Kirkwood, environmental attorney and executive director of FLOW (For Love of Water), a Great Lakes law and policy center based in Traverse City:… line-5-oil-tunnel-in-the-straits-of-mackinac-must-undergo-full-and-vigorous-public-review/" title="ReadMPSC: Proposed ‘Line 5’ Oil Tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac Must Undergo Full and Vigorous Public Review”>Read more »

Two Virtual Hearings, Two Real Steps Closer to Shutting Down Line 5 in the Great Lakes
After two pivotal hearings Tuesday, June 30, Enbridge has lost its grip on the fate of its dangerous twin Line 5 crude oil pipelines in the waters of the Straits of Mackinac. Two hearings, and the State and its citizens are two steps closer to shutting down the unstable twin crude oil pipelines once and for all.

Courtroom Showdown Coming Friday over Line 5 Shutdown
Streaming live online this Friday morning, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and members of her staff—attorneys Peter Manning, Bob Reichel, and Dan Bock, steeped in water and natural resources law—will make historic arguments that will lead to a shutdown of Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac to protect the public trust of all of Michigan’s citizens, now and in the future, in Attorney General Dana Nessel On Behalf of the People of Michigan v. Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership, et al., before Ingham County Circuit Court Judge James S. Jamo.
Enbridge Operating Line 5 Illegally
Citing new research and documentation revealing cracks, dents, corrosion, and structural defects in the twin oil pipelines in the Mackinac Straits, 22 environmental and tribal groups today formally requested that Gov. Snyder and Attorney General Schuette shut down “Line 5” oil in the Straits based on Enbridge’s multiple easement violations. The violations mean Enbridge is operating… line-5-illegally/" title="ReadEnbridge Operating Line 5 Illegally”>Read more »
Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac
July 19th LIVE WEBINAR: Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline is over 70 years old and remains a threat to the waters and people of the Great Lakes region. On July 19, join FLOW and Oil & Water Don’t Mix for a special live webinar, and learn from a panel of experts about how Michigan, Wisconsin, and… line-5-in-the-straits-of-mackinac/" title="ReadLine 5 in the Straits of Mackinac”>Read more »