Search Results for: Line 5

FLOW Executive Director Urges Governor to Take Action on Enbridge Line 5

FLOW”s Executive Director, Liz Kirkwood, kicked off a widely publicized press event at the State Capitol in Lansing this morning, calling on Governor Snyder and state leaders to take immediate action on the Enbridge pipeline under the Straits of Mackinac. Kirkwood urged the Governor to demand that that Canadian company apply for the required authorization … line-5/" title="ReadFLOW Executive Director Urges Governor to Take Action on Enbridge Line 5“>Read more »

FLOW Takes Lead Authoring Line 5 Letter to Governor: Elevating the Public Trust Duty to Protect the Great Lakes

On July 1, 2014, FLOW, along with sixteen other conservation, water, and environmental groups and the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians submitted a letter to Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, urging him to address Enbridge’s 61 year-old Line 5 oil pipelines located under the Straits of Mackinac in Lake Michigan-Huron. The letter addressed Enbridge’s lack of transparency and disclosure… line-5-letter-to-governor-elevating-the-public-trust-duty-to-protect-the-great-lakes/" title="ReadFLOW Takes Lead Authoring Line 5 Letter to Governor: Elevating the Public Trust Duty to Protect the Great Lakes”>Read more »

The Pipeline in the Straits: Learning About Line 5 with Enbridge in St. Ignace

By FLOW intern Jonathan Aylward. Jonathan has been with FLOW since January 2014 and also works on food-related projects throughout the Grand Traverse region. There is an oil pipeline running through the Great Lakes underneath the Mackinac Bridge. The pipeline, called Line 5, is owned and operated by Enbridge, a Canadian energy corporation. Enbridge has… pipeline-in-the-straits-learning-about-line-5-with-enbridge-in-st-ignace/" title="ReadThe Pipeline in the Straits: Learning About Line 5 with Enbridge in St. Ignace”>Read more »

TRANSCRIPTS: The Pipeline in the Straits: Learning About Line 5 with Enbridge in St. Ignace

Want more? Here are the transcripts of the clips from the February 5 Enbridge meeting with Mackinac County officials and the public regarding the expansion of the Line 5 oil pipeline that is, in part, submerged underwater at the Straits of Mackinac in the Great Lakes. (RUSH TRANSCRIPT AND STATEMENTS SIC) 1. Enbridge says 5,500… pipeline-in-the-straits-learning-about-line-5-with-enbridge-in-st-ignace/" title="ReadTRANSCRIPTS: The Pipeline in the Straits: Learning About Line 5 with Enbridge in St. Ignace”>Read more »

Court Confirms 45 Miles of Lake Michigan Shoreline Owned by State Under Public Trust

Court Confirms Indiana’s 45-Mile Shoreline on Lake Michigan Owned and Held by State for Public Recreation Under Public Trust Doctrine By Jim Olson[1]   Another state court confirms that the 3,200 miles of Great Lakes shoreline are owned by states in public trust for citizens to enjoy for walking, swimming, sunbathing and similar beach and… shoreline-owned-by-state-under-public-trust/" title="ReadCourt Confirms 45 Miles of Lake Michigan Shoreline Owned by State Under Public Trust”>Read more »

Hook, line, and contaminated: Study reveals dangerous E. Coli levels

By: Carrie La Seur, Legal Director —  Hey there, water lovers. It’s time for a little more plain talk about the mess that is the Pine River of central Michigan. No sooner had it begun to recover from toxic contamination than tens of thousands of cattle moved in upstream. Every year, millions of gallons of their… line-and-contaminated-study-reveals-dangerous-e-coli-levels-in-michigans-pine-river/" title="ReadHook, line, and contaminated: Study reveals dangerous E. Coli levels”>Read more »

15 years, 300 sites: Grim PFAS milestones for Michigan

By Tony Spaniola Tony Spaniola co-founded and co-chairs the Great Lakes PFAS Action Network. He also co-founded the Need Our Water (NOW) community action group in Oscoda, Michigan, and serves on the Leadership Team of the National PFAS Contamination Coalition. PFAS contamination in Michigan was first discovered in March of 2010 in my home community… Read more »

EPA Sets 10-year Deadline to Replace All Lead Service Lines for Drinking Water

Prompted by the drinking water crisis in Flint 10 years ago, the U.S. EPA announced on October 8 a 10-year deadline for replacement of all lead service lines in the U.S. This important project will be largely funded by more than $15 billion from the 2021 federal bipartisan infrastructure law. EPA’s  final Lead and Copper… deadline-to-replace-all-lead-service-lines-for-drinking-water/" title="ReadEPA Sets 10-year Deadline to Replace All Lead Service Lines for Drinking Water”>Read more »

Oil & Water Don’t Mix: Potential Harm from Enbridge Pipelines in the Straits Stretches from Governor’s Mansion on Mackinac Island to Governor’s Desk

Oil & Water Don’t Mix: Potential Harm from Enbridge Pipelines in the Straits Stretches from Governor’s Mansion on Mackinac Island to Governor’s Desk By Kelly Thayer, FLOW Contributor September 9, 2014 It was a chilling portrait of a place accustomed to grandeur: Mackinac Island swallowed by a sea of oil. Passenger ferries and all other… pipelines-in-the-straits-stretches-from-governors-mansion-on-mackinac-island-to-governors-desk/" title="ReadOil & Water Don’t Mix: Potential Harm from Enbridge Pipelines in the Straits Stretches from Governor’s Mansion on Mackinac Island to Governor’s Desk”>Read more »

State Gets Report on Straits of Mackinac Pipelines   Officials from a pipeline company are seeking to reassure Michigan officials who are conducting a safety review of lines including those running beneath the Straits of Mackinac. The Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Task Force announced Monday it got an update last month about Enbridge Energy Partners LP’s Line 5. It includes two lines that… pipelines/" title="ReadState Gets Report on Straits of Mackinac Pipelines“>Read more »