Search Results for: Line 5

Are Michigan’s Residents, Communities, and Businesses Insured if Line 5 Fails in the Straits?

If the 66-year-old Enbridge Line 5 pipelines fail in the Straits of Mackinac, who will pay for the oil spill clean-up costs and damages to residents, coastal communities, businesses, and our public waters? Michigan citizens may believe they are protected, at least at some level, by the insurance Enbridge should be required to have in… line-5-fails-straits/" title="ReadAre Michigan’s Residents, Communities, and Businesses Insured if Line 5 Fails in the Straits?”>Read more »

Bypassing, and Now Restoring, the Rule of Law on Line 5

After last year’s election, newly chosen leaders and the old guard with a few weeks left in Lansing rushed in opposite directions. The Snyder administration and legislators intensified their unprecedented, legally questionable attacks on water, the environment, and public health during a lame-duck feeding frenzy. The new guard, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana… line-5/" title="ReadBypassing, and Now Restoring, the Rule of Law on Line 5“>Read more »

FLOW Supports Gov. Whitmer’s Request for a ‘Line 5’ Opinion from Attorney General

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                         January 2, 2019 Jim Olson, Founder and President                                                             Email: FLOW (For Love of Water), Traverse City, MI       … Line 5’ Opinion from Attorney General”>Read more »

Snyder Administration Knowingly Violates State Law, Constitution in Race to Seal ‘Line 5’ Oil Tunnel Deals

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                         December 18, 2018 Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director                                                               Email: FLOW (For Love of Water), Traverse City, MI       … line-5-oil-tunnel-deals/" title="ReadSnyder Administration Knowingly Violates State Law, Constitution in Race to Seal ‘Line 5’ Oil Tunnel Deals”>Read more »

Line 5, Lame Duck Legislature Threaten Michigan’s Waters and Way of Life

With four days remaining until the Michigan Legislature is scheduled to adjourn and 14 days until the inauguration of a new governor, environmental rollbacks still threaten Michigan’s waters and values.  To help FLOW and many allied groups fight back, please read the bill summaries below, and – for greater detail – click on the links… line-5-lame-duck-legislature-threaten-michigans-waters-way-life/" title="ReadLine 5, Lame Duck Legislature Threaten Michigan’s Waters and Way of Life”>Read more »

Departing Governor and Lame Duck Legislature Speed toward 99-Year Oil Tunnel Scheme, Leaving Mackinac Straits at Risk from Line 5 Pipelines FLOW Executive Director Liz Kirkwood testifying Dec. 11, 2018, at the Michigan House of Representatives Government Operations Committee. FLOW Deputy Director Kelly Thayer testifying Dec. 11, 2018, at the Michigan House of Representatives Government Operations Committee. In coordinated fashion, the Michigan’s lame-duck legislature on Tuesday and governor today opened the flood gates to a 99-year… Line 5 Pipelines“>Read more »

Line 5 – a Long-Term Asset? Not a Chance in this Century

Photo credit: Nancy May By Liz Kirkwood and Skip Pruss Substitute Bill SB 1197 continues to be riddled with faulty assumptions and logic that favor and bend towards Enbridge’s private corporate shareholder interests. Most glaring of all is the audacious and misguided underlying assertion that we humans will continue to rely on a fossil fuel… line-5-long-term-asset-not-chance-century/" title="ReadLine 5 – a Long-Term Asset? Not a Chance in this Century”>Read more »

Contact Your State Lawmaker Today to Save the Mackinac Bridge from Enbridge Line 5

Updated November 30, 2018 The rush continues in Michigan’s lame-duck legislature to bind the future of the Mackinac Bridge to notorious oil-spiller Enbridge and its proposed private oil tunnel. A Republican-led Senate committee at an 8:15 a.m. hearing on November 28 voted 3-2 along party lines to approve Senate Bill 1197 and advance it to… line-5/" title="ReadContact Your State Lawmaker Today to Save the Mackinac Bridge from Enbridge Line 5“>Read more »

Take Action Today to Oppose Michigan’s Senate Bill 1197 and Save the Mackinac Bridge from Enbridge Line 5

FLOW President Jim Olson addresses the board of the Mackinac Bridge Authority at its Nov. 8, 2018, meeting in St. Ignace. FLOW is urging supporters to contact your Michigan lawmakers today using our guidance below and to plan to join FLOW and other leaders of the Oil & Water Don’t Mix campaign who are hosting a Lineline-5/" title="ReadTake Action Today to Oppose Michigan’s Senate Bill 1197 and Save the Mackinac Bridge from Enbridge Line 5“>Read more »