Policy Brief: The Case for a Statewide Septic Code in Michigan

Policy Brief: The Case for a Statewide Septic Code in Michigan (Download PDF)

Michigan is located at the heart of the most extensive fresh surface water system in North America, which comprises about 90% of all fresh surface water in the region. However, it is the only state in the US that does not have a statewide septic code.

According to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Michigan has more than 1.3 million septic systems, which represent a danger to public health and the environment when they fail.

A septic code would set minimum standards for septic tank construction, maintenance, and inspection. State and local governments have been working towards implementing policy solutions for the past two decades, but they have yet to succeed. Out of Michigan’s 83 counties, only 11 have inspection requirements. House Bills 4479 and 4480 have been introduced to address the dire situation.

Download our policy brief to learn more about this important issue, and how the state of Michigan can move forward to protect groundwater.

2 comments on “Policy Brief: The Case for a Statewide Septic Code in Michigan

  1. Scott on

    Only state without a statewide septic code but each Health Department District has its own codes which are based on the area that they are located in. A statewide code does not take into account the different soils throughout Michigan and accepts that what may work in one area will never work in another. Maybe you should look into lawn fertilizers used on the shore lines of our lakes and other water bodies that is contributing to more harm than any septic system. Shame you are using these tactis to push your agenda. Just because something is the only one not to be doing something does not mean it is the wrong method. In fact now days it should show that it might be the right way to do it! No one cares more for the water in Michigan than the people that live here.


    Back in August 2023, I provided comments to members of the Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee on House Bill No. 4479 to amend 1978 PA 368. After a career in environmental law enforcement, I felt compelled to point out a couple of issues that would be roadblocks to not only effective enforcement, but consistent application between all the different authorized local health departments. The word “may” verses “shall” is a really big deal. Another issue was in the violation section. This section had the potential to reduce a felony to a misdemeanor.

    Some other areas of the Bill would have needed more refinement, such as the word “repair”. Repair alone without some further definition or criteria doesn’t leave room for really simple repairs such as replacement of sensors, pumps or electrical switches that could get the system back up and working right away.

    The Bill didn’t go anywhere, but I believe the issue should be addressed again, but with a more refined Bill.


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