On Tuesday, January 19, from noon to 1:30 pm, the League of Women Voters/Grand Traverse Area will host FLOW senior policy advisor Dave Dempsey discussing the topic of toxic chemicals present in our groundwater. Almost 50 years ago, Michigan suffered one of the worst human exposures to a toxic chemical in its history when PBB accidently entered the state’s food supply. In more recent years, our exposure to PBDEs and PFAs has raised the question of whether we have learned anything about the dangers persistent chemicals present to human health.
Dempsey has served as an environmental advisor to Michigan Governor James Blanchard, as an environmental specialist for the International Joint Commission, as a member of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, and a staff member of the Michigan Environmental Council and Clean Water Action. He is the author of 10 books, including three about the Great Lakes.
This League of Women Voters/Grand Traverse Area broadcast can be viewed on the Traverse Area Community Media Facebook page, on Zoom, or on Community TV Channel 189 (with Spectrum cable). Questions can be asked on Zoom or in the Facebook comments. For those that are unable to tune into the live event, a recording will be available at the TACM website. More information can also be found on the League of Women Voters/Grand Traverse Area website. Anne Magoun will moderate the program.