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Contact: Allison Voglesong, Communication Designer
allison@flowforwater.org or 213-944-1568
FLOW Selected as GLIN Site of the Month
February 2014 to Feature FLOW
TRAVERSE CITY- The Great Lakes Commission-based Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) has named FLOW their Site of the Month for February. As a GLIN partner, FLOW is honored to contribute to their outstanding resource network.
GLIN is a partnership that provides one place online for people to find information relating to the binational Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region of North America. GLIN offers a wealth of data and information about the region’s environment, economy, tourism, education and more.
FLOW is a non-profit organization working to ensure the waters of the Great Lakes are protected now and for future generations by recognizing the Great Lakes as a Commons, building deep public awareness and engaging the public and decision-makers about the threats and abuses facing the Great Lakes, and advancing public trust solutions to protect the rights of the people and waters of the Great Lakes Basin.
Because partnership is the core of GLIN, each month they highlight the wealth of information available on the web site of one active GLIN partner. These partners work closely with the GLIN Project Team to ensure that their information is integrated into the regional network; in turn, these partners point back to relevant GLIN pages from wherever appropriate on their own web sites so that people can easily find information about a topic of interest.
More on GLIN at http://great-lakes.net
More on FLOW at http://flowforwater.org
Congratulations, FLOW, Allison Vogelsong and Eric Olson, our Communications Team. Thank you GLIN and Great Lakes Commission for your program.