
Allegan County News: Fracking – Gun Plain continues process

Read the full article in the Allegan County News here By Kayla Deneau, Staff Writer The Gun Plain Township board and the planning commission had a joint informational meeting Wednesday, July 17, to discuss horizontal hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, with residents. For the Love Of Water representatives were at the meeting to give… Read more »

Allegan County News: Gun Plain Township Hosts Meetings on Fracking

Read the article on the Allegan County News here. By Daniel Pepper, Interim Editor Monday, July 15, 2013 10:38 AM EDT Gun Plain Township invites all interested citizens to attend a discussion of the issues surrounding fracking. The process of releasing natural gas trapped in rock deep beneath the earth, more properly known as hydraulic… Read more »

Toledo Blade: Great Lakes ‘ground zero’ for water needs

Read the article on the Toledo Blade here By Tom Henry, Blade Staff Writer Climate change and population growth are making the Great Lakes region’s role as a global food producer more important as water shortages become more severe in other parts of the world. But even though some agribusinesses within this water-blessed region have… Read more »

Thousands demand Lone Pine drop its NAFTA lawsuit against Québec’s fracking moratorium

PRESS RELEASE For immediate publication Thousands demand Lone Pine drop its NAFTA lawsuit against Québec’s fracking moratorium (Ottawa, May 31, 2013) – Two weeks after the launch of a public petition, organizers have received over 3,000 signatures demanding that energy company Lone Pine Resources drop its $250 million NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) lawsuit against Canada… Read more »

Guest Blog: Ted Curran – “Make Them Pay”

Preface from Jim Olson Water in Michigan is recognized as a public resource or the “waters of the state.” Landowners or those leasing from them have a right to use water, but not unreasonably and it generally not by removing it permanently from watersheds. FLOW board member Ted Curran rightly calls on the state to… Read more »