FLOW's mission has always been clear: public access to clean, safe and affordable water for all.
Still, mounting threats to the quality and quantity of our waters, and the issues of social justice surrounding both, have reached a level of incredible urgency. Here at FLOW, we recognize that such urgency calls for organized, all-encompassing and grand scale action. In response, we have been hard at work identifying key threats, the science and law governing each, and developing the achievable, sustainable action necessary to put an end to the profound water injustice, toxic water quality and water privatization trends we have seen occurring throughout the Great Lakes Region.
Over the coming months, we will be unveiling several sub-campaigns, each central to the overall goal of The Campaign for Fresh Water. Here, you will find groundbreaking reports, model legislation, FLOW’s response to the most current and critical water issues, and opportunities to participate.

Model Legislation: Public Water, Public Justice
In order to protect our water - which by law belongs to the people - FLOW has created model legislation to regain public control and to prevent reoccurring crises like in Flint and Detroit and windfall profits for bottled water companies like Nestlé.

The Sixth Great Lake: The Emergency Threatening Michigan’s Overlooked Groundwater Resource
Michigan is “The Great Lakes State” but is a failing steward of the sixth Great Lake, the water lying beneath Michigan’s ground.

Great Lakes Compact: Restore Integrity to State Water Withdrawal Laws
FLOW’s comprehensive assessment of the compact sheds light on these exceptions and their precedents for siphoning Great Lakes water while offering solutions to shore up weaknesses in state water withdrawal laws.
With your help, change is entirely within reach.
The work ahead is sure to be challenging and will require fierce commitment, but if these solutions are approached together, our belief in a thriving future for Michigan’s water is unwavering. We thank you for your support and resilience and look forward to sharing this important work with you as we unite to restore water justice, water quality, and water for all.
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