
Sarah Naperala, Chair

Organizational Consultant

Sarah Naperala has over 20 years of experience and has worked in the not-for-profit, research, technology and education fields. Most recently, she held leadership positions for over eight years as Human Resources Director and Special Projects Manager at Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC).Today, Sarah supports non-profits as a consultant for various needs, including but not limited to: providing guidance and training to develop people (board and staff) and systems (policies, procedures, practices) to meet the goals of … 

… the organization; leading focus groups and gathering data to support project evaluation and decision making (public engagement and internal capacity audits); fund development review, training, and preparation of fund development strategic plans; guiding land trust’s to assess and prepare for first-time or renewal of Land Trust Accreditation status. 

In addition to her commitment as a member of the FLOW Board of Directors, Sarah volunteers in various roles for the Traverse City Area Public Schools, and as community coordinator for the Orchard Heights Neighborhood of Traverse City, Michigan. She recently collaborated with neighbors, city staff, city commissioners and funders to develop a site plan and implementation schedule to improve a 3-acre neighborhood city park. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Michigan Technological University and resides in Traverse City, Michigan with her husband, and two children.

Douglas Jester, Vice Chair

Partner at 5 Lakes Energy and specializes in utility regulation and energy policy, research, and modeling

Douglas Jester is a partner at 5 Lakes Energy and specializes in utility regulation and energy policy, research, and modeling.

Prior to joining 5 Lakes Energy, Douglas served as senior energy policy advisor at the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth, where he applied scientific, engineering, and economic principles to the …

… formation and adoption of energy policies for the state of Michigan.

Douglas also served in various capacities at the Michigan Departments of Natural Resources (DNR) and Environmental Quality (DEQ) including Great Lakes ecosystem modeling, Michigan representative on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission’s Lake Erie Committee, and Sea Lamprey Control Advisory Committee, leading strategic planning and budgeting, and as chief information and technology officer.  While at the DNR he personally conceived and led the efforts to develop Michigan’s first-in-the-world automated system to issue hunting and fishing licenses for which he was recognized by the Smithsonian Museum and ComputerWorld Magazine in 1994.  

Beyond his state of Michigan experience, Doug was director of government application solutions for MCI, chief technology officer and member of the Board of Automated License Systems, Inc., a multi-year consultant to Verizon where he developed the company’s Smart Grid product architecture, design and implementation plans; and managing editor of the North American Journal of Fisheries Management for the American Fisheries Society.

Douglas holds degrees from New Mexico State University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.  He is an adjunct faculty member at Michigan State University and spent a sabbatical year at the Institute of Animal Resource Ecology at the University of British Columbia.

He and his wife, Colleen, long resided in East Lansing, Michigan, where he was active in the community and formerly served as mayor. They now reside adjacent to Lake Michigan near Northport.

Joel Evenhouse, Treasurer

Registered investment adviser at Betterment

Joel Evenhouse is a registered investment adviser at Betterment in Traverse City, Michigan, working in the traditional financial services and investment management industry for most of his career. Joel is an outdoor enthusiast who likes to mountain bike, ski, SUP, fish, and explore all the area beaches. Joel earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Hope College.

JoAnne Cook, Secretary

Chief Judge and Appellate Judge

JoAnne Cook, a member of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa/Chippewa Indians, is from Peshawbestown, Michigan. Her previous professional experience includes one term on Tribal Council (2012-2016) and with Tribal Courts as a Tribal Court Judge for two tribal communities (1994-2011). She received her Business Administration degree from Ferris State University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Wisconsin School of Law.

JoAnne Cook was involved in the organization anddevelopment of two alternative courts: Peacemaking and Healing to Wellness Court (Drug Court). The alternative courts utilize tradition and culture which allows for healing and restoring balance for those involved.  She has begun consulting with native and nonnative communities who are either developing Peacemaking or a Healing to Wellness Court. 

She believes tradition and culture is vital to the Anishinabe way of life and has continued her learning about the 3 Fires people. JoAnne has presented to various communities on the way of life and culture of the Odawa. In addition, she previously taught Business Law for Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) and a course at NMC Extended Education, titled Native Law and Culture. JoAnne is currently teaching a short course, History of the Anishinaabek for NMC Extended Education.


Keith Schneider

Environmental journalist

Keith Schneider is a nationally prominent environmental journalist and editor who reports on the intersection of energy, agriculture, and water from across the United States and around the world. A former national correspondent and regular contributor to the New York Times, Keith also reports for The Guardian, ProPublica, National Geographic, Energy News Network, Mongabay, The New Lede, and Circle of Blue. His work takes him to the frontlines of the conflict between industrialization and environmental security. In 2023 and 2024, funded by The Alicia Patterson Foundation and the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Keith produced “Toxic Terrain,” exploring the reasons US agriculture is now the nation’s largest source of toxic water pollution. In 2022 …

… Keith published a three-part project funded by a Stanford University fellowship on Arizona’s emerging water supply peril.

In 2021 Keith completed a three-part series for Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center on the progress global institutions are making and impediments to achieving universal access to clean water safe sanitation and available hygiene.

In 2018 Keith reported on the West for the Los Angeles Times from a base in Salt Lake City. He also reported for Mongabay on China’s big infrastructure investment in Malaysia. In December 2018 ProPublica published Keith’s penetrating report on the causes of wildfire in the West, a piece that Greenpeace declared one of the year’s best articles on the environment, and a second in July 2019 on a wasteful and expensive piece of energy infrastructure in West Virginia. As senior editor for Circle of Blue, a global news desk based in Michigan, Keith developed the Global Choke Point project reporting on the competition between rising demand for energy, water, and grain in a climate-challenged world.

In November 2014 the U.S. and China signed an agreement to limit climate changing emissions and take other measures to reduce ecological stress on the planet. Two of the six major provisions focused on securing water supplies in Chinese energy development. Both were influenced by original reporting and peer-to-peer meetings that Keith undertook during nine trips to China. Keith’s other Choke Point reports focused on Australia, India, Mexico, Mongolia, Panama, Peru, Qatar, South Africa, and the United States, and were recognized by the Rockefeller Foundation’s $100,000 Centennial Innovation Award. Keith’s other major prizes include two George Polk Awards for environmental and national reporting.

The New York Times nominated him for a Pulitzer Prize in national reporting for uncovering the deteriorated condition of the U.S nuclear weapons production plants.

Craig Sharp

Axiom Wealth Partner

Craig is one of the founding members of Axiom Wealth Partners, aligned with the Rockefeller Global Family Office.  He has worked in the financial services industry for over 23 years serving individuals, families, nonprofit organizations and corporate retirement plan clients.

As an advocate for community and the environment, Craig serves on the board of directors for the Michigan Trails Fund and is a former board chair of the Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities in Traverse City. Craig lives and works in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his wife, Michele Ferenchick.  Craig and Michele, along with their adult children, Maddy and Jacob, have also been rooted in Frankfort, Michigan …

… for almost 30 years.  The couple opened a restaurant, the Coho Café, in 1996 and purchased a home in town shortly thereafter.  They spend as much time as possible there during all seasons.

In his spare time, Craig enjoys riding his bike on the roads and trails of northern Michigan and swimming in every lake and river he can find.  Craig has a BA degree from Hope College and a Master’s Degree from the University of Michigan.

Wenona T. Singel

Director of the Indigenous Law and Policy Center and Associate Professor of Law

Wenona T. Singel is an Associate Professor of Law at Michigan State University College of Law and the Director of the Indigenous Law & Policy Center. She teaches Federal Law and Indian Tribes, Property, and other courses related to Natural Resources, Environmental Justice, and Indigenous Human Rights.

Prof. Singel’s research and writing address issues related to Tribal Sovereignty and Indigenous Rights. She served as an Associate Reporter (co-author) of the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law, The Law of American Indians from 2012 to 2022. She is also a new co-author of Cases and …

… Materials on Federal Indian Law, the leading casebook in the field of Federal Indian Law, and she is writing a book called Indian Removal, Past and Present, that describes the intergenerational impact of federal Indian law and policy on Native families which weaves in stories of multiple generations of her own family’s experience of forcible Indian removal in Michigan; land dispossession at Burt Lake, Michigan; attendance at Michigan Indian boarding schools; and removal of children from their families and placement into foster care and adoptive homes. Prof. Singel’s most recent law review article, co-authored with Matthew Fletcher and titled, Lawyering the Indian Child Welfare Act, was published in the Michigan Law Review in the summer of 2022. Prof. Singel’s scholarship on the Indian Child Welfare Act and the history of federal child removal policies impacting Native children was cited extensively by the U.S. Supreme Court in its recent decision in Haaland v. Brackeen.

Prof. Singel served as deputy legal counsel for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from 2019-21, advising on Tribal-State affairs. She also served as Chief Appellate Justice for the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians for thirteen years and Chief Appellate Judge for the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. Recently, she returned to serve once again as Chief Appellate Justice for the Little Traverse Bay Bands. She is the former president of the Michigan Indian Judicial Association, and she serves on the National Council of the World Wildlife Fund. In 2012, she was appointed by President Barack Obama to the Advisory Board of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corp., a position she held until 2017.

Prof. Singel is an enrolled member of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, and she is a descendant of the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, the Burt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, and the Grand River Bands of Ottawa Indians. She was the first in her family to attend college, and she is committed to widening access to higher education and law school for other first generation students. Wenona received an A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard College and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

Katie Sulau

Founder of Steady Rudder

Katie Sulau brings 15 years of leadership experience in operations, programs, and campaigns for nonprofits focused on political and policy advocacy, primarily in environmental issues at state and local levels. She has launched new organizations, coordinated national coalitions, restructured multi-million-dollar NGOs and philanthropic foundations, and led strategic planning processes that deliver bold, actionable results for organizations at all stages.

… As the founder of Steady Rudder, Katie leverages her expertise in planning, execution, and communication to simplify complex challenges and drive organizations forward. Her hands-on approach draws from a career of diverse accomplishments, including designing award-winning systems for human services, scaling the Michigan League of Conservation Voters into a statewide political force, and serving as editor-in-chief and fundraiser for Michigan State University’s first student-led online magazine. Earlier in her career, she guided wilderness expeditions across Michigan, Canada, and Alaska.

Katie holds dual degrees in Social Policy and Journalism from Michigan State University. She lives in Traverse City, Michigan, with her husband Ryan and daughter Nell..

Mike Vickery

Emeritus Professor at Alma College

Mike Vickery is past chair of FLOW’s board and as an advisor on strategic environmental communication, community engagement, and organizational capacity-building. He is an Emeritus Professor of Communication, Public Affairs, and Environmental Studies at Alma College where he was founding chair of the Department of Communication and served as Co-Director of the …

… Center for Responsible Leadership.

Mike holds a PhD in Communication. His graduate work focused on public discourse and controversies related to technical and social value-conflicts. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Texas-Austin, the University of Arizona, Texas A&M University, and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. His areas of teaching, consulting, and applied scholarship include environmental rhetoric, risk communication, public health communication, and organizational communication.